"When you have only seen one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you"

"When you have only seen one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Who can find a virtuous woman?

  Being a women and a mother in these days isn"t easy. There are lots of pressures of being a mother and wife, too many to count.  I have a lot of women who always comment on how i look everyday. I pride myself on how i look, and the effort i make for not only myself but my man. There is nothing wrong with taking time to make yourself look attractive.  There are so many things we can do to feel good "inside" like yoga, a day at the spa, volunteer work, or going to church.   I do my hair and make up everyday and i put something cute and casual on so i can feel good about myself, and so my man comes home to a beautiful woman. It feels un-natural to me to not have myself put together. I get that from my mother.  I remember watching her put her make up on everyday to look beautiful. she never left the house without it.

My girl friends always joke around and tell the story of the birth of my boys. When i was pregnant I would go to sleep with my makeup on and my hair done in case i went into labor in the middle of the night.  When i was in the hospital having contractions getting ready to have my baby i would pull out my mirror and touch up my make up or hair. While in soo much pain!! That's too funny now that i think about it! When Dom would be asleep beside me on the pull out bed the hospital provided i would wake up early, wash my face and put my make up on so i would look and feel beautiful when he woke up to see me and our new born. I did this throughout my pregnancy with both my boys. 

Its been proven that "when u look good u feel good" but I do know that no matter how beautiful a woman is on the outside she can be an ugly beast on the inside and sometimes there is no cure for that!
Anyway, why shouldn't we feel good about ourselves? Why shouldn't our men come home to a beautiful women. Well, i suppose you have to be at a certain stage in your relationship to even want to do that i suppose. If the "Honey moon stage" is gone and there are issues at hand then that's an other story. That's just not the case for me. A girl friend says to me the other day,  "He should love me anyway" or "He should love me just the way i am"....Oh! That makes me mad! How was it that u got him in the first place? U used to do ur makeup, where those cute outfits and try hard! That's what we do when we are trying to impress a guy but that shouldn't change at all. Why should we stop trying to impress our husbands...I promised myself that i would not change except for the better.
To each their own! This is me and how i want to live my life and I want to impress my man everyday. He deserves it! And he should try just as hard for me.

Proverbs31:10 says, "Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."
1 Corinthians 7:4, NKJV says, "The wife not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And like wise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does."
You can take that for what that means for you...
I don't ever want to be that person who looks back and says to myself, "What happened to me?" or "What happened to us?"

So.....If your engaged please talk about these things before hand and your expectations, need and wants. 
 Dont be afraid of communication and hearing what he wants and expects from you...
Make Love not War!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ignorance is bliss....

What is Ignorance?.....Definition: Lack of knowledge, information, or education; The state of being ignorant.
 It not so much a "bad' word some people just need to learn how to humble themselves and accept that they may not know what they are talking about in certain areas. When i talk to friends about certain topics such as religion, fashion, love, relationships, or parenting there are times when they can say to me, "I'm ignorant in that topic"... I usually say, "I prefer not to comment on politics or that religion because I'm ignorant in that area". I never make statements or judge when i don't know what the heck I'm talking about. If i don't know about something I educate my self so that i can understand the topic. I don't know much about certain religions and practices such as Scientology or devil worshipers so i went and educated myself. I'm not going to go off of what someone els has "told" me. Im not going to practice it, i just want to be fully educated and understand.  Someone has to have lots of confidence in themselves and faith in God to be able to do that.  That is where im going here...

I am a Christian and have been all my life but i also have been attending Catholic Church for some years now because my fiance is Catholic. I was never closed minded and never made any negative comments i just went in support of my fiance and still kept my faith. I wanted to become more educated in his faith to understand so i began to take RCIA class. I could see how "uneducated' people may have such mis-perceptions of the Catholic faith. At some gatherings I have had such people make negative comments towards the Catholic faith. I just feel so bad for them to be so ignorant and to be where they are in their faith.

It is so embarrassing when i am with someone who makes a comment about something they know nothing about. I begin saying to my self, "please stop talking, please stop talking!!"... Its sooo embarrassing!
One could say, "that's interesting" or "that different but interesting". Those are much better choice of words..Ask questions to educate yourself. When someone makes ignorant comments like that all i hear and see is insecurity... in yourself and in your faith.
  "If ur not asking questions ur not  learning".    Something doesn't mean the same thing for everyone, there isn't a "one size fits all". I don't let some one tell me what something means,  i take it for what i believe it means or what it means for me.
There is nothing more rude and ignorant for someone to make any kind of "negative comment" about anyone's religion or beliefs in anything. I was told at a young age that  Catholics worship Idols but  I come to find out that in no way do Catholics worship idols...They are not idols but saints who did the work of the Lord.
Catholics hold saints in esteem because they are such wonderful images or mirrors of Christ. Paul said several times exhorts his readers to be imitators of him. "Be imitators of me, as i am of Christ" (1 Cor 11:11 also Phil 3:17, 1 Cor 4:16) Devotion to the saints comes back to the theology of image: Christ is God's image, the saints are Christs image.

We can all find similarities and appreciate them if we truly had God in our hearts.
 I can appreciate the rules set for people who want to get married in the Catholic church. If more christian churches had such rules and invested time in preparing people then some marriages may still be together, stronger, and have God in their marriage today. I have seen the damaging effects of not having this first hand and still today in some marriages.

At this stage in my faith the awareness of God's inner presence leads me to be more aware that God also dwells in all others. As a result, one begins to see people of various creeds, races and nationalities as brothers and sisters. One 70 year old man says, " I have learned to have respect for anybody. I could sit down and talk to a Muslim or a Jew or an Arab or anyone, and if they start talking about religion in their way, I could really and completely fit my mind to theirs, see where their mind is going, and understand their ideas"....Wow! Sound like me, considering i did study Anthropology and medical anthropology. (for those who know what that is...) That is intelligence my friends...  Interfaith dialogue now becomes not a threat but an opportunity for new understanding. Recognition of the sisterhood and brotherhood of all people also intensifies one's commitment to the well-being of all humankind. A further degree of faith may be needed to get to this level.